Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Just Another Day in Paradise...As Dad Would Say...

Hey ya'll... :) You would think I'd be saying that now = since I just turned 11 months old!!! And I live out in the Midwest...but my southern drawllllll just hasn't kicked in yet...hee, hee.

Anyways, what a crazy week it has been. Not only do mom and I have our day-to-day activities like we do every week = but we have all of this packing to get done for our big trip back east! We leave in 3 days!

So lately, dad has been saying...'Just another day in paradise'...every time mom asks him 'how was work honey?' I just wanted to say, Dad...I love you...and I am so thankful for you. Thank you for working so hard every day and for supporting this family. Mom and I love you and we appreciate ALL that you do for us. I am going to miss you so much when I am gone. Mom is crazy for thinking I could be apart from you for 2 WHOLE weeks...crazy, crazy mom. Just know, that I will be thinking of you every second of the day...but especially when I'm getting ready for bed and when I wake up in the morning. I'm going to miss our 5am chats...our tub time...our cheese puff dinners...and most of all - you reading me a book just before bed and then rocking me to sleep. I love our time together and I can't wait to see you when I get back. I promise to be a good boy (maybe)...okay, no really, I promise (my toes are crossed...does that count?)

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Please Don't Touch!

Okay, so, I've been meaning to write this post for a long time now. But haven't, because it's a touchy subject - literally. But I've had it up to HERE with I'm just going to talk about it right now!

Why on earth do strangers think they can touch my face? Or any part of me for that reason?! You can look...but please do not touch! I am a's flu season...I don't know could have gone the bathroom and not washed your hands for all I know...and now you're touching me? I DON'T THINK SO!

I went for coffee this morning with mom...and some old lady came up to me because she liked my pumpkin hat that I was stranger...came right up to me and touched my cheek. That is so rude! Why, why, why do people think they can do this? I have no idea where your hands have been!

And...even for the people who do know me - and constantly touch my face and's not polite! You should ASK my mom before you hold me/touch me/etc. Where are your manners? Ugh, I have a lot to say about this subject and it's been festering inside of me. I don't go up to you and touch your face? I know I'm cute - but admire me from afar.

Mom has had a hard time saying 'no' or 'don't touch please' b/c she doesn't want to be rude...but I think she's going to have to grow some balls and just do it. Okay, I feel better now that all of that is off my chest!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Busy Weekend

I had a pretty busy weekend. Friday was a a nutshell. It was just a bad day all around. I was cranky. I wouldn't sleep for mom. And we didn't get our grocery shopping done until 530 at night...which means mom missed her ComFit class :( But, we had a great dinner at home with dad so that made everything better.

Saturday morning we ran errands in Springfield. Picked up some Christmas presents and vowed to never go back to the mall until the holidays were's way to busy in Springfield right, mom and dad had a nice lunch at Ruby Tuesdays and then we headed home. Sunday, mom and dad went Christmas shopping for me - while grandma and grandpa Ruffing babysat. It was a great weekend!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


These are my new pjs - just thought I'd show you how comfy I am at night just before bed :) Did I tell you I can drink out of a big boy cup now? Well, it's not really my cup per say...but it's mom and dad's cup and they let me sip out of it every now and then. Mom thinks I have a hole in my chin though because it just dribbles down the front of me. Teehee hee!

Daddy had the day off today because of Veteran's Day, yay! He came to yoga with me and got to see me do the plank...the fish...the tree pose and so much more! Mom went to WW and then to TJMaxx - lots of errands but we got them ALL done!

That's about it for me. I'm getting pretty tired...think I'm going to eat some cheese puffs = hit the bath tub = and then it's lights out for this baby :)

Monday, November 9, 2009

My To Do List for Today

This is me and mom in front of our house the other day. We were getting ready to go for a nice walk and daddy snapped a photo of us! Mom picked out some pretty mums for fall - they're on the right hand side. You can't see them that well but believe me, they were pretty:)
I can't believe how nice the weather has been out here. It was low 70s all weekend = which means lots of walks for me! We got those corn stalks at our local farmer's market = 2 for $5. Not bad! Now we just need to get ready for favorite holiday!!!
Since we had a busy weekend, I think mom and I are going to take it easy for today. Here's what's on our agenda:

  • Breakfast
  • Coffee & scone at Keen Bean...yummmm :)
  • Walk (if it's nice out)
  • Read
  • Nap
  • Play
  • Lunch (I think I'm having sweet potatoes and rice today) Oh, and cheese puffs, of course!
  • Address my birthday invites and get ready to send out
  • Start packing for Massachusetts (If I don't start now, I know I'll forget something!)
  • The View @'s new favorite show
  • Help mom finish writing her bio for her new article
  • Comfit class (for mom! not me)

That's all I can think of right now...I'm sure we'll be adding lots more things to this list as the day goes on. Have a great day everyone!

Friday, November 6, 2009

No Wheels Today

I'm really tired = so just a quick post tonight...had a great time with mom today. Missed dad at lunch's car needed new tires so we were without wheels today...but that's was absolutely beautiful out - so we went on an hour walk with a friend and her baby! Headed to the zoo tomorrow and maybe some grocery shopping. See ya later!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

H1N1 Shot?

So, yesterday, I got my booster flu shot...AND the first round of H1N1. Mom and I showed up and my pediatrician said she had just gotten a shipment of the vaccine in - each doctor was given 8 vaccines. EIGHT. That's it. So...easy decision right? WRONG. There was a had mercury in it...but, the doctor said there was so little of it in there - that it was fine. So, I got the shot. Primarily because I am leaving in a few weeks for Massachusetts and I'll be flying.

Mom's been watching me like a hawk - to make sure I'm okay - and I've been showing no signs of that's good. Looks like I took to the shots just fine. I also slept thru the night last night - which I haven't done in a long time - mostly because of my teeth. I have 4...and it looks like I'm about to get 2 more...right next to my top 2 that are already there. That would be a total of 6 teeth in less than 1 month! Whoah nelly! But, they're not in we'll see.

It's supposed to be beautiful all week. I think we are going to go for a walk today. Mom is getting new tires on her car I don't think we'll be going grocery shopping. But, I overheard mom and dad saying that they were going to take me to the zoo on Saturday! It's supposed to be 74...whoah! Giraffes here I come! Yay!

Oh, and then I'm going to gram and gramps on Sunday because dad and grandpa are on baby duty. Mom and grandma are going to a concert to see Jewel! (That's mommy's favorite singer OF ALL TIME)...yay! Happy for mom :)

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Halloween Picture

Someone wasn't very happy with their costume :( As you can tell, mom dressed me up for storytime at the library and I was less than thrilled. If you look real close, you can see my 2 bottom teeth. Oh well, I'll use this as blackmail when I get older...
It's been a tough couple of nights for me. I am teething like you wouldn't believe and it hurts. What else can I and dad are trying to make me as comfortable as possible. I'll get thru it :)
I'm scheduled to get my booster shot tomorrow and my 1st round of the H1N1. Hopefully, I'll actually be able to get it. They've already rescheduled my appointment since they didn't have any of the vaccine. The doctor says it wouldn't be a good idea for me to fly if I haven't had at least one of the H1N1 shots and I'm supposed to leave for Massachusetts at the end of this month. I think I'm already having to miss yoga tomorrow for this appointment. Ugh, I hate shots.
Mom got my birthday invitations in yesterday and they are so cute. I can't wait until the big day. She's having my party on the Saturday following my actual birthday (the 19th) from 4-530pm. I really wish my family from Mass. could come and be with me but I'm supposed to be celebrating it with them when I'm out there so that's good. Our theme out here is going to be safari and I think out in Mass. it's going to be Boston Red Sox - of course! What else would it be silly?!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Pop! Pop! Pop! They're Comin' In Like Popcorn!

I have 4 teeth now - just so you know. And they hurt. I have 2 top teeth and 2 bottom teeth. Someday, when mom can get me to open my mouth wide enough, she will take a picture and post it for you.

Halloween was kind of a bust yesterday. It was fun, don't get me wrong. I LOVED helping mom and dad pass out all the candy. We had to turn our lights off because we ran out! That's never happened to us...and this is our 3rd year here. I loved seeing all of the neighborhood kids in their costumes. Oh, and mom was on the phone with auntie Laura so I got to say hi to her to. Hi auntie!

I say it was a bust because I went trick or treating - to 2 houses...the 1st one was great! I picked out some candy and the next house - well there was no one there! My friends Mike and Jackie gave me some Halloween socks and a Halloween hat in the shape of a pumpkin. It was really cute. Mom put me in my lion costume and I was pissed about that. We came home because I was getting tired and well, that was that.

Oh, and I'm getting my booster shot this Wednesday. What a and dad are trying to get me the 1st round of the H1N1 but it hasn't been available to my age group yet. K, time for dinner. Talk to you later :)