Wednesday, September 23, 2009

JBF Event - No Jogging Stroller :(

So today we went to the JBF (Just Between Friends) event in Springfield. Mom and I were able to go before the 'public' did because she was a first time we got there at 10am and we were impressed but not that impressed. Our whole reason for going was to look for a jogging stroller - but since the volunteers get to browse wasn't sure what would be left.
It was pretty crazy = how much stuff was packed in there at Remmington's. There were tons of people and everything you could possibly think of for babies/toddlers/kids, etc. However, if you can imagine, hundreds of women, either pregnant or strolling their little ones...all eyeing the same toy/hat/book...and there only being one of that get the picture. It was crazy; absolutely crazy.
With that being said, we'd go again next year, but only if we were looking for something specific like we were this year. We only spent $2.67 (on spoons and a book) and left without a stroller:(
There were a few left but they were either a.) too worn out and overpriced b.) new and overpriced or c.) could've bought the same exact thing in the store brand new for cheaper
Oh well...we'll keep looking.
Mom had it set up perfectly. Leave the house at 9, grab coffee and a scone, head to the JBF event, grab a quick lunch, yoga at 1230 and then home. BUT, as you know, things don't always go as planned. Since I woke up twice last night (once at 130am and again at 430am) I slept in until 845 this morning. Mom didn't even brush her teeth or shower before we left the house (she's going to be so mad I just told you all this). We grabbed the coffee and the scone but I never fell asleep for my morning nap in the car. Probably because it was too soon from when I woke up. We did the JBF thing - skipped the lunch thing - ran to the mall to grab a few Bath & Body things...and still no nap for got me back in the car and I fell asleep...finally. So, no yoga today. We headed home instead so that I could nap. We got home just in time to see dad before he left for work after lunch and then mom and I hung out until I went back to sleep at 430.
Anywho, it was a busy day but a good day. The only thing we have planned for tomorrow is coffee and paper at Keen Bean and then storytime at the library if I'm still awake. (This will be the 3rd week that the library has been doing its reading library and every time we've tried to go, I've fallen asleep in the car!) Oops!
PS - that's me in the picture up there...playing with my new, orange plate!

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