Sunday, August 15, 2010

This and That

What's new in my world? Not too much. I had a pretty low key weekend. Dad was supposed to leave for Iowa yesterday but an hour down the road, started thinking about how much he loved his family and decided to turn around :) Yay! So, just as mom and I were getting back from the grocery store - dad was settling in back at home.
I had quite a temperature went up to 103.3 so mom called the Dr's office and will probably be taking me in to see them tomorrow if my temp doesn't get better. It dips down a little bit with Tylenol and then spikes right back up. Mom says, lots of fluids and lots of sleep for me today. I'm actually getting ready to lay down with daddy in a minute.
Physical therapy is going great. I've started crawling - although I still prefer to scoot - I will crawl if you ask me to (and if I feel like it). I'm also experimenting with standing up on my own without holding on to anything. Once I realize that someone is watching me, I smile, and then fall back on my butt. One of these days I'm going to stand up and take a step!
I want to send a BIG congrats to my aunt Laura. She just bought her first house! I can't wait until we can go and visit her and have a sleep over :)
Mom and dad are doing well. Dad is busy with work and gearing up for Fantasy Football season...ugh...(that was mom, not me who said that). He's in not one but TWO leagues this year...lucky mom :)
Mom has been busy chasing me around and making sure I'm well taken care of. She's just taught me where my left and right feet are and I can hold them up for you if you ask me to. Mom is still freelancing for the Connection Magazine and enjoying it. She's getting ready to submit some queries to other magazines - so cross your fingers!
That's all for now. I hope you all had a nice weekend and if you're reading this blog - drop me a note and let me know what you've been up to?

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