Friday, August 14, 2009

I'm A Great Napper!

I've had a very busy day already and it's only 1 o'clock! I woke up around 8 and mom and I ate breakfast then left the house around 9. Mom grabbed some coffee and with that, we were off to Joplin. Mom offered to wait at grandma and grandpa's house from 10-12 today since their bedroom furniture was being delivered and they were at work (someone had to be there to sign off). Why is it, that they give you such a huge time number to contact the movers...and then they show up like 10 minutes before 12??? Frustrating!!! I was tired, cranky and hungry...and I won't EVEN tell you what kind of mood my mom was in.
We were supposed to get groceries but by the time mom got me in the car...I fell asleep and she was way too tired to even attempt Walmart...I think it's been a bad day for mom. She thought I was sleeping but I could hear her crying in the car. Mom, it's okay. Tomorrow is a new day and everything will be okay. I think she gets stressed out sometimes and I know her back/neck has been bothering her lately. I think she just needs some rest and TLC. Huh, when, right?
Anywho, I've had 2 great naps today so I'm super happy and can't wait to see dad when he comes home from work. He is my new best friend :)

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